Student Empowerment Resources

Welcome to SEJ’s Student Empowerment Resources page! On this page, we have included helpful resources for young people whether they are looking for a job or looking to learn more about how to dismantle internalized and externalized forms of adultism and step into their leadership and power. 

If you believe that there are resources missing from this page, please feel free to email us at with your suggestions.

Obstacles to Student Empowerment: Adultism

Adultism is the assumption that young people are inferior to adults simply because of their young age. Adults act on this assumption when they limit young people’s access to agency, decision-making, information, resources, human rights, and opportunities to voice their thoughts. Adultism is the one oppression we all live through and we have to do the work of learning to identify and stop adultism.

Student Power is Necessary

History of student organizing